¡Hola! Por supuesto, aún estoy trabajando en la actualización activamente y va bastante avanzanda. Sin embargo, ha tardado más de lo previsto debido a varios errores y problemas que he tenido. No obstante, actualizaré pronto. ¡Es una gran actualización con mucho contenido nuevo y personajes!
Also, arrows on the save screen so that you're not limited to a certain number of save pages. Not an issue in the first release, but it will be eventually.
Interesting first release, looking forward to how the story continues!
This doesn't have to do with the game itself as much as to how you release it, but I think it would be really helpful if you could have it be nativelly downloadable from Itch, and also added a Google Drive mirror. The reason for this is that past a certain file size - your game is not there yet, but will be if you keep updating it - MEGA has a quota that makes you wait 6 hours to continue downloading, so this can lead to interested players having to wait up to a full day before being able to play your game, and Mediafire tends to have bothersome pop-up windows when clicking, that's why I always prefer games to have an option to natively download on Itch, or at least have a Google Drive download mirror.
Thank you very much! 🤗 There will be updates on the next version soon, so stay tuned 😁. About the links, I had already thought about uploading other download options, including Google Drive, I will do it for the next releases
Brother! One day we will have NTR as just another flavor in our AVN games! Never stop believing! Though, maybe don't be pushy about it - don't be as pushy as those who demand no NTR, the true scurge of the community! We are better than that! What to include, in the end, should be fully the developer's choice! So, support devs who include it, and don't inconvenience devs who do not! Have a great day!
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jugué hace mucho tiempo esto y aún sigo visitando la página esto tendrá alguna actualización?
¡Hola! Por supuesto, aún estoy trabajando en la actualización activamente y va bastante avanzanda. Sin embargo, ha tardado más de lo previsto debido a varios errores y problemas que he tenido. No obstante, actualizaré pronto. ¡Es una gran actualización con mucho contenido nuevo y personajes!
I'm seeing the potential already waiting patiently for more in the future fam keep up the amazing work and godspeed :D
Thank you so much! ❤️
I don't know if I asked alrady, but can you somehow put that into the itch.io app? I mean so we can download it from there?
I will try to do it, but for the next version 😅
Thank you, I believe that was the explanation I could still offer, an comment from another dev who figured it out..
Maybe I download this version for now and just move the save if you get it done.
However I just wanted to see if that even works with these files that tell you they are on a third party website if I remember it correctly.
The downloadable is v0.3, but after reading it I revised the file and the app check wasn't on, sorry about that, is an easy to ignore checkbox
That was an answer from another dev, so that is the only thing that I can offer to make it aviable for the app, a checkbox?
is the option to rename the MC going to be in the next release?
Also, arrows on the save screen so that you're not limited to a certain number of save pages. Not an issue in the first release, but it will be eventually.
Pretty Good VN so far. I love the animated motion scenes.
Thank you for supporting the game and for the video! 😄. The next version will have even more animated scenes 😉
You're welcome, and I look forward to the new animated scenes :)
Interesting first release, looking forward to how the story continues!
This doesn't have to do with the game itself as much as to how you release it, but I think it would be really helpful if you could have it be nativelly downloadable from Itch, and also added a Google Drive mirror. The reason for this is that past a certain file size - your game is not there yet, but will be if you keep updating it - MEGA has a quota that makes you wait 6 hours to continue downloading, so this can lead to interested players having to wait up to a full day before being able to play your game, and Mediafire tends to have bothersome pop-up windows when clicking, that's why I always prefer games to have an option to natively download on Itch, or at least have a Google Drive download mirror.
Thank you very much! 🤗 There will be updates on the next version soon, so stay tuned 😁. About the links, I had already thought about uploading other download options, including Google Drive, I will do it for the next releases
Not sure if that works or if that is exactly what was mentioned already, but you can download a itch.io app here and play and download with that.
The game should have boxes to check or something in the options so that we can download it here too.
I think it didn't allowed that yet, but I forgot what I saw a moment ago and would have to take another look.
You should probably open a subscribestar page as a backup.
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll probably do it soon 🤗
Good game I like it very much!
By the way the game name on the image is Kingsville but on your notes and game name is Kigsville and game folder Kisgville
Thanks! Yes, it was a development error, we will fix it in the next version. The name would be Kigsville
add ntr
pretty sure the dev doesn't want to kill the game after the initial release.
NTR is not something we are currently considering and we have no plans to include it in the future 😬
Brother! One day we will have NTR as just another flavor in our AVN games! Never stop believing! Though, maybe don't be pushy about it - don't be as pushy as those who demand no NTR, the true scurge of the community! We are better than that! What to include, in the end, should be fully the developer's choice! So, support devs who include it, and don't inconvenience devs who do not! Have a great day!
Nah man, I understand everything, NTR however is where i draw the line. A NTR scene will put me off more than a fucking gay scene and i ain't gay.
Harem or not ?
It is something that is in the plans and could be included in upcoming updates. Stay tuned for our posts! 😁
will you ever release this to mac?
It's in progress, for future versions
It's a pretty good game with a very interesting plot and well-designed characters (I loved Vanessa ❤️) I'm looking forward to the next version 😁